
A brief history of the Basildon Orthodox Community

2009 - 2010: The Basildon Orthodox Community is started as a missionary endeavour of St. Helen's Orthodox Church, Colchester. Planning and negotiations begin.

23rd October 2010: Our first Divine Liturgy is served, at St. Basil's (Roman Catholic) Church, in Vange. From there we move to Holy Trinity (Roman Catholic church), Basildon, and back to St. Basil's. The Divine Liturgy is served monthly.

December 2011 - February 2013: We worship in an improvised (private) chapel in Billericay.

2nd March 2013: Our new home, ALL SAINTS, is blessed as an Orthodox Holy Temple, and the Divine Liturgy is served for the first time.

March 2013 - May 2015: We are in the care of St Botolph’s Parish, Bishopsgate, London. We move towards weekly Divine Liturgy.

May 2015: We are granted full Parish status and for the first time have our own full-time priest.

July 2016: Basildon Orthodox Community is a charity and is entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1168146.

Today: The spiritual life of the local people of God continues to be strengthened, and the restoration of All Saints continues. . .


All Saints Church

The building, dating from Norman times, most likely replacing an earlier, wooden church of the Anglo-Saxon period, was formerly used by Anglicans. It had not been used since the mid-1990s. Following lengthy negotiations, much generosity, a great deal of hardwork and many invaluable prayers, All Saints has been prepared for Orthodox worship. An ikonostasis has been erected, complete with deacon's doors. Mains electricity supply has been reconnected, and we have a toilet. Work is on-going; there is much to be done (particularly re. the floors and tower) and funds are in short supply. We gratefully welcome all offers of assistance. Glory to God!

Troparion for All Saints: Adorned in the blood of Your Martyrs throughout all the world, as if clothed in purple and fine linen, Your Church, through them cries unto You, O Christ God: Send down Your compassion upon Your people, grant peace to Your commonwealth, and great mercy to our souls.

Everyone is welcome. Although, please note that only communicant Orthodox Christians, who have prepared and have the blessing of their Spiritual Father, may partake of the Most Holy Mystery of the Eucharist.